Sasha Poparic


Diversity of Expereince

Mr. Poparic a CEO of Helvetia Holdings Group, and underwriter of We The Incubator is a field of Internet transaction payment processing, content marketing, website development, and strategic implementation During his career, he has established numerous successful web properties that cater to the European community, generating millions of unique visitors per month and offering a variety of products and services. He holds a master’s degree in music science and electronics. Sasha’s entrepreneurship pushed him to expand into the hospitality industry. He has built successful night clubs in Beverly Hills, California, and Zurich, Switzerland. Most recently he has embarked on a new endeavor: hotel and land development on the Adriatic Coast.

Giselle, Sasha, and Jonathan are absolutely straight shooters. I walked into their office with just an Idea and 12 months later we are completing deals with some major Movie Industry companies. As an actor, I had not much knowledge about Tech business but after spending time with them and using their approach I am negotiating deals on my own.
Dylan Mooney
CEO , Actor Trade, LLC