Giselle Washington

Vice President

Diversity of Expereince

 Giselle is a Los Angeles native and a marketing professional with over a decade of experience consulting on projects from all industries. She believes that research and analytics are a driving force for any business and data should drive action.
She is dedicated to empowering women and is also the Vice President & Co-Founder of We The Incubator a one of a kind Comunity based Establishment 
With her personal experience in running a startup from top to bottom, she plays a valuable asset to educating others who will follow in her footsteps.

Giselle, Sasha, and Jonathan are absolutely straight shooters. I walked into their office with just an Idea and 12 months later we are completing deals with some major Movie Industry companies. As an actor, I had not much knowledge about Tech business but after spending time with them and using their approach I am negotiating deals on my own.
Dylan Mooney
CEO , Actor Trade, LLC