Risk Assesment & Startup Valuation

There must be a reason why you are still at the beginning stage although it has been a year or two since the official launch. Plenty of miscalculated errors and mistakes made is nothing to be frustrated about, it is part of the process.
The line between being eager to start and reality is full of unpredictable obstacles that you, unfortunately, were not able to see back then. For that reason, you need a partner that can run a detailed analysis of your startup, and we will do that for you.

We will meticulously run a Business Risk Assessment and Analysis approach to manage and eliminate the potential miscalculations and flaws within your company.

We would identify potential hazards and their consequences. Companies of all sizes use them to try to reduce business risks. Startups have an especially pressing need for these assessments. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, about a quarter of small businesses never recover after a disaster. Vulnerable companies need to identify potential problems in order to make plans to eliminate or cope with them. Of course, businesses also use this information to cover any risks that can’t be completely controlled with proper Analysis.


1.Competitive Risk

The risk that your competition will gain advantages over you that prevent you from reaching your goals. For example, competitors that have cheaper cost base or a better product.

2.Economic Risk

The possibility that conditions in the economy will increase your costs or reduce your sales.

3.Operational risk

The potential of failures related to day to day operations of an organization that some definition of operational risk claim that it is the result of the insufficient or failed process. However, operational processes that are deemed to be complete and successful also generate risks.

Do you wish to sell your business or just looking for Investors? In order to do that you need a proper Startup Valuation.



How will you evaluate your company’s true value? Especially an organization, which you have kick-started a few months ago or even a year into the Launch but have no User base or Revenue stream. Start-up valuation is an art that you need to perform if you are expecting money from investors. This strategy helps to take your business to the next level. It is not rocket science. Adopting some simple steps helps you easily assess the value of your start-up.


The chance that new regulations will disrupt your business or that you will incur expenses and losses due to a legal dispute.


The risks associated with a particular strategy.


The chance of losses due to a declining reputation as a result of practices or incidents that are perceived as dishonest, disrespectful or incompetent.

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As an entrepreneur giving significance to start-up valuation, we will help you to determine how much of your company‘s shares you would be giving to the investors in exchange for their capital. The valuation factors depend on the seed capital or the initial investment you get. In the starting stages, your company’s value would be near zero; however, the investment has to be a lot more than that.

In addition to the main factors, we also use additional tools to help determine the current market value.  Company and Founders Bio, Pitch deck and Business plan, User base, and Equity break down,  Analysis in the form of Pre and post-money valuations, Tractions, Reputation, Revenues and Distribution Channels are some examples of some of our successful consultative tools.