Community of 400,000 entrepreneurs

Coaching And Mentoring Program

Being new in this Tech World is not easy. Just because you are eager to succeed and become that startup that has potential to disrupt the industry and make tons of money, you are disregarding many rules of business reality that could cost you to waste time and money. You will need to adjust to changing circumstances, new business conditions, and unforeseeable challenges. You will need to be prepared to execute your Elevator pitch at anytime or anywhere a suitable investor presents itself. Being able to consult with a mentor – someone who knows what you’re going through – can be invaluable.  A business mentor is someone who’s “been there, done that”; someone with insight into your business type and your specific challenges.

Mentors can provide tailored guidance, general best practices, and an example of a successful business that the protege can learn from.

At HHG, we will coach you how to talk to Investors and raise funds, how to visualize all the obstacles, be ready to asses every situation and not make mistakes. We will teach you how to analyze business plans, financial models, how to read Investor behavior, body language and speaking patterns, since raising money is an absolute poker game.

Our two-months
Coaching Program includes:

  • One on one weekly sessions in person (preferable) or via video chat
  • Executive Startup Literature
  • Access to our meetup events and workshops
  • Access to our Investor network
  • Marketing plans and solutions
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